Internoscon 2012 - Italie

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Internoscon 2012 - Italie

Message par Heuhh » 04 Avr 2012, 18:30


Une petite annonce des italiens : ils organisent une convention dédiée au jeu Indie le 18-20 mai de cette année à Bertinoro, près de Forli à 100km de Bologne.
Je suis dégouté car je suis pris ce weekend là. Ça m'a l'air bien sympa et en plus Meguey Baker sera présente. Ils m'ont demandé de poster un petit post pour proposer à des français de venir.

Le lien vers le site de conv :

Bonne journée.
Message(s) : 57
Inscription : 27 Mai 2010, 11:37

Re: Internoscon 2012 - Italie

Message par Lionel (Nonène) » 04 Avr 2012, 22:15

Franchement, je pourrais être intéressé... Mais je ne connais personne... Est-ce qu'il y aurait des personnes qui parlent français sur place ? Et comment serait-on accueilli ?
Lionel (Nonène)
Message(s) : 728
Inscription : 13 Déc 2005, 15:16

Re: Internoscon 2012 - Italie

Message par Matteo Turini » 05 Avr 2012, 02:39

This is my first post here; sorry if I write in English, my French is a bit rusty - I can read it well enough, but my writing is not so good...

I'm not one of the organizer of the convention - I'm just a passionate player in the italian community.
InterNosCon is one of the most prominent indie games convention in Italy, and this one will be the 4th edition; it will take place in Bertinoro, a shiny little medieval village in the middle of the region of Emilia-Romagna.

I'm pretty sure someone will know French; I don't think there will be games in French though, but there will surely be in English.
Don't be scared by the fact that you don't know anyone (yet), the italian indie community has a tradition of welcoming heart-warmingly players from everywhere!
This time at InterNosCon there will be, as a guest, Meguey Baker (designer of 1001 Nights and Psi*Run), that is coming back to Italy from the USA after last october she came here with Vincent Baker and Robert Bohl. But in other occasions, there came here also Gregor Hutton, Graham Walmsley, Matthijs Holter, Joshua AC Newman, Ben Lehman, Jason Morningstar and Autumn, George Cotronis, Ron Edwards, Paul Czege, Danielle Lewon, Joe Prince, Gregor Vuga, Tobias Wrigstadt, Frederik Jensen... So, as you can see, we love to welcome friends form all over the world.
We'd be really happy to enjoy the company of other european players, if someone managed to come.

Ludovic already posted the link to the convention website; if you need any kind of information, ask right away, I'll be glad to answer.
Matteo Turini
Message(s) : 2
Inscription : 05 Avr 2012, 02:10

Re: Internoscon 2012 - Italie

Message par Lionel (Nonène) » 05 Avr 2012, 10:38

Thanks for your answer.

I have some other questions :

How many personnes came to Internoscon the last years ?

Why should french autors come to Internoscon ? To play ? To present games, buy some french games ?

For the accomodations, how is the organisation for people from other countries, is it possible to sleep by someone ?

It's far away and I want to now how many it cost for me (train, food, sleeping) and what is the potential of the Internoscon if I'm coming.
Lionel (Nonène)
Message(s) : 728
Inscription : 13 Déc 2005, 15:16

Re: Internoscon 2012 - Italie

Message par Matteo Turini » 05 Avr 2012, 13:53

Hi! Right away on you questions.

Last years InterNosCon had between 70 and 90 attendants each year, and we (the indie community) are always to invite people who are not part of the Italian indie scene, both coming from abroad and Italians who don't usually play these games.
I must probably clarify that INC is not a fair: though the people who publish games probably will have some copies with them if someone needed them, the main focus of the convention are gaming slots and guests panels; it's a two-three day marathon of playing, laughing, eating tasty food and drinking great beer.

French authors (well, everyone, acutally) can come to InterNosCon as fellow players (like, for example, Frederick Jensen -- Montsegur 1244 -- to the 2010 edition), but I think that it could be arranged a panel, maybe about publishing in France or about the French indie scene, or about the games they wrote (that would be interesting!). I'm not one of the organizer, though, but I can ask them; anyway, there's a dedicated board on the GenteCheGioca fourm, here: ... 122.0.html -- it's in Italian, but you can write in English, that's fine -- where you can find some information and ask directly to the organizers.

As for the accomodations, usually players book a hotel room nearby, and this year there's an agreement with some hotels, so that the cost of the convention plus the room is really convenient. All the fees and hotels are displayed on the website, here ( ) and here ( - that is actually not up-to-date as the Italian section: ).
If you need furter informtaions about accomodations, I'll call one of the organizars to step in this discussion.
Matteo Turini
Message(s) : 2
Inscription : 05 Avr 2012, 02:10

Re: Internoscon 2012 - Italie

Message par Lionel (Nonène) » 05 Avr 2012, 15:05

Thanks for your answers. I think I don't come this year but next year, when I have the information for Internoscon more early, I come and have holidays in Italy.

Have fun.
Lionel (Nonène)
Message(s) : 728
Inscription : 13 Déc 2005, 15:16

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